Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Natural Cure for Breast Cancer | Different Types of Breast Cancer

Different Types of Breast Cancer

Natural Cure for Breast Cancer | Different Types of Breast Cancer - Cancer of the breast is one of the leading cause of cancers that killed women around the world.  Those women have been  diagnosed of breast cancer that is the most feared by them. The human breast is a gland which contains milk ducts lobes fatty tissue and a network and lymphatic vessels. Cancerous tumors can arise in virtually any part of the breast are most often detected when a woman feels a lump.  In general cancerous lumps are firm and never go away usually not always pain free.  The vast majority of breast lumps are cancerous (many are cysts or fibroid masses) but no one can tell unless, otherwise, proper examination conducted by your doctor.  A lump that seems to be growing or not moveable when pushed it may be cancerous, therefore, proper examination must be done particularly a biopsy to identify the lump. A yellow bloody or clear discharge from nipple is a sign of Breast Cancer.  Breast cancer is not single entity but it has many types.  Some types of breast cancer include the following:

ü      Adenoid cystic carcinoma, malignant cytosarcoma phyllioles medullary carcinoma and tubular carcinoma.  All of the above are relatively uncommon types of breast cancer less aggressive than the other forms.

ü      Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).  Most professionals have considered to be breast cancer at its earliest state.  This type of mass is a cancer contained within the milk ducts.  The survival rate for this type of cancer has  increased  and  almost one hundred percent of the patients have been survived.

ü      Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.  Cancer arises within the lining of the milk ducts and infiltrates (invades) surrounding the breast tissue. Approximately 80 percent of all cases of breast cancer are infiltrating ductal carcinomas.

ü      -Inflamatory carcinoma.  A tumor cancer arises in the lining of the milk ducts and as it grows, it plugs the lymphatic and blood vessels. Breast changed its appearance as extremely tender, skin thickens, turns red and looks infected.  It is spreading rapidly due to the rich blood and lymph vessels supply is associated with inflammatory reaction.

ü      Intraductal carcinoma in situ.  A type of cancer which is localized in which cancerous cells grow within the ducts.  This type of cancer may not invade other tissues.

ü      Lobular carcinoma.  A less common form of breast cancer, lobular carcinoma breast cancer that arises in the lobes- occasionally occur in both breast simultaneously.

ü      Paget’s disease of the nipple.  Cancer cells from underlying cancerous tumor migrate to the nipple where redness, soreness and itching of the nipple are symptoms.   The presence of primary ductal carcinoma elsewhere in the breast is signed of  this disease.

A definite answer as to what causes breast cancer develop is still unknown. However, most of the researchers believe  that female sex hormone estrogen is the likely culprit in many cases of breast cancer.  Estrogen encourages cellular growth of the breasts tissue and reproductive organs. Another factors are to be considered when menstruation started before age nine; menopause after age of fifty five; gave birth to first child after age of forty.  Environmental factors such as being exposed to pesticides and other pollutants have not yet been confirmed although many professionals advise to avoid these substances. Obesity may also be linked to estrogen in their bodies than skinny woman.  In addition to above factors, heredity is also to be considered if there is in their families previously diagnosed of certain cancers.  It is important to detect breast cancer in its earliest and most curable stage.  Therefore, having regular mammograms can increase your chances of avoiding such a disease before it becomes more serious.

Breast Self Examination

A constant examine of your breast each month is essential preferably the first week after your menstrual period.  It is not recommended to examine your breasts during your menstrual period, a woman’s breasts may swell or become tender or lumpy.  This type of appearance of your breast decrease after your period.  Following are the procedure in examining your breasts:

ü      Raise your hands over your head while standing and looking in the mirror then check the shape of your breasts, its skin, nipples whether or not they are in normal position if one breast looks different than the other one.  If it is swelling in a portion of the breast, nipple pain an inward curve of the nipple.  If nipples discharge other than milk or red scaling or thickening of the skin and nipple, you have to see your doctor to examine your breast.

Prevention is better than cure.  Thee following tips could be tools in preventing breast cancer and other type of cancers:

Good Supplements:

ü      Multivitamins complex   -  as directed on label
All nutrients are essential for proper balancing.
ü      Natural Beta Carotene              -  as directed on label
A powerful anti oxidant to destroy free radicals and good in strengthening immune function.


ü      Garlic   - ( 3 gloves of raw garlic a day).
A powerful immunostimulant that improves cellular oxygenation deterring cancer growth.
ü      Drink Plenty of Green Tea                   
Researcher discovered that drinking green tea would promote good immune system.
ü      Gingko Biloba             
Enhances circulation and brain function
ü      Silymarin
An antioxidant extract of milk thistle that fights breast cancer and it also protects liver.
ü      Berries
Inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Fruits & Vegetables

Eat a high fiver diet based on fruits and vegetables such as grains, legumes, raw nuts (except peanuts), oats, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and other green leafy.  Fresh fruits  such as pineapple, apple, berries, papaya & banana.

SubCure - Natural Cures and Herbal Medicines


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